Local Low Cost Spay/Neuter and Vaccinations

Emancipet’s mission is to make spay/neuter service and veterinary care affordable and accessible to all pet owners.

Our Vet Partners

The Austin Humane Society is extremely grateful to the following veterinary clinics for their support of our organization.

Austin Vet Care Metric Location
12419 Metric Blvd
(512) 832-1088
Central Texas Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital
4434 Frontier Trail
(512) 892-9038
CVCA Cardiac Care for Pets
7300 Ranch Rd 2222, Bldg 5, Ste 100
(512) 745-3698
Multiple locations
(512) 587-SPAY
Firehouse Animal Health Center – Austin
3801 N. Capital of Texas Highway, F-100
(512) 765-9009
Pet Specialists of Austin
3901 Guadalupe St.
(737) 241-5756
VCA Ben White Animal Hospital
2417 W. Ben White Blvd.
(512) 524-7344
VCA Northwest Hills Animal Hospital
3426 Greystone Dr.
(512) 879-1631
VCA Tanglewood Animal Hospital
2110 Slaughter Lane, Suite 120
(512) 879-4425
VEG Arboretum, Austin
10710 Research Blvd, Suite 120
(737) 256-6607
VEG South Lamar, Austin
4211 S. Lamar Blvd, Suite A-10
(737) 243-9408
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Lost Pets

If you’ve lost your pet:

  • Visit the Austin Animal Center to search for your lost pet. Animals are held only three days so be sure to visit as quickly as possible and come once per day to look for your missing pet.
  • Visit and join the Austin Lost and Found Pets Facebook page to post photos and information about your pet.
  • Upload a photo of your lost pet on Petco Love Lost and search their national database using facial recognition software.
  • Post and search for your lost pet on Nextdoor.com and Craigslist in the Community section under Lost & Found and Pets.
  • Check surrounding animal shelters where your pet may have been taken. Some well-meaning people may pick up your dog or cat and take it to the closest shelter, which may not be Austin Animal Center!
  •  Text “LostATX” to (844) 764-2125 and you’ll receive texts with proven tips that guide you through the pet-finding process.
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Important to note

All strays found in Travis County are brought to the Austin Animal Center:

Address: 7201 Levander Loop Bldg. A
Austin, TX 78702
Text: “foundatx” to 47177
Phone: 311

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Found Animals

The Austin Humane Society is unable to accept stray or lost pets. 

If you have encountered a stray animal, please refer to the Austin Animal Center Lost & Found pets page for more information. The Austin Animal Center schedules intakes by appointment. To schedule an appointment to take-in a found/stray pet, refer to their website.

Visit and join the Austin Lost and Found Pets Facebook page to post photos and information about the pet you have found.

If you have stumbled across a litter of kittens, Use this cheat sheet to find out what next steps you should take.

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Austin Animal Center
7201 Levander Loop
Austin, TX 78702

Other Services

Losing a pet is never easy. Fond Memories is here to provide world class end of life services for pets and those who care for them.

  • Cremation options
  • Free grief resources- online and reading materials
  • A memorial center
Learn More

Behavior Issues

We understand that dealing with behavior issues with your pets can be frustrating. We have partners and resources to assist with some common issues!


Everydog Behavior and Training

Everydog Behavior and Training is an Austin-based nonprofit dog training organization that is dedicated to providing inclusive, accessible dog training and behavior resources to the Austin community. The team at Everydog believes that EVERYONE should have access to professional, ethical dog training and behavior support. Learn more here.


GoodPup offers 1 on 1, at-home, virtual based training on your schedule with trainers available to help 24/7. GoodPup’s training programs are based on positive reinforcement training to help tackle behavioral challenges you may face with your dogs. Click here to get 10% off training.

Additional Trainers

Click here for a list of additional trainers in the Austin area who use positive reinforcement based training methods.


Below please find resources put together by our team to tackle some common cat-related behavior issues.