Community Service Restitution Program

Thank you for your interest in the Community Service Restitution (CSR) program at the Austin Humane Society. This program is for people looking to complete court-ordered community service hours. Our CSR program provides invaluable services to the shelter. The CSR program does not involve hands on work with the animals, however duties performed directly support our program by keeping our facility clean and running efficiently.

All participants are required to attend an orientation before starting.


  • Monday, January 13th at 10 a.m.
  • Thursday, January 23rd at 10 a.m.
  • Monday, January 27th at 10 a.m.

You must sign up for orientation ahead of time by filling out an application HERE.

After filling out the application, select the orientation date you’d prefer. On your orientation day, please wait on the front porch of the shelter and staff will let you in close to the start time. 

Walk-ups at orientation will not be accommodated. Attendees must bring a photo ID and any paperwork from whoever assigned the community service. Unfortunately, due to the size of the program and time restraints, we are unable to offer alternative training times. Closed-toe shoes and clean, presentable clothing are required. You will receive one hour of credit for orientation.

Please contact to discuss your case (no phone calls please).

Please note that CSR volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

The following offenses are not accepted in the Community Service Restitution program:

  • Crimes against animals
  • Crimes with a weapon
  • Assault or battery of any nature
  • Robbery, theft, or burglary
  • Sex offenses